Saturday, November 13, 2010

from Halloween to birthdays....

As you can see blogging has not been a priority lately...or ever really, but I try to keep it updated as best I can;-) I'll start with how the boys dressed up at school the Friday before Halloween. Well, minus Parker's mustache. Cooper told Parker in the car-on the way to school- that it looked like he had chocolate milk on his upper lip. Parker immediately sunk in his seat, asked for his bandanna to cover his mouth, and wanted me to turn the car around to go back home. I wouldn't. Needless to say, when I arrived at his party that afternoon the mustache was gone. He still had his side burns though!

trick or treat night
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Last... while I've still been busy sewing and taking care of everyday life, I've really tried to slow down and soak up the small moments that are passing by so fast. God has blessed me with the opportunity to stay home with my boys and so often the time we have with them is taken for granted. A few things that I have had to remind myself lately is 1.) Pick my battles. 2.) Don't sweat the small stuff. 3.) He is just five. 4.) They love me even when the house and I am a wreck! 5.) They love each other...even though an outsider looking in would strongly disagree. They do. I've seen it.

Speaking of time flying....
this baby...
turns 2...
this week.

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